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Reflections on our National Day Contest

Happy 54th Birthday Singapore!

This year, we ran a short contest specially for the children end of July on our Facebook page for them to share things that they like about Singapore.

In this blog post, we share 3 things that the children like about our Sunny Island from their various contributions. These places, activities and food resonated with the children because they are part of the warm memories of times spent together with the family.

Therefore, no matter how busy we are, let us never forget to take some time off for our loved ones.

1) "Lying down on the pavement to watch skyline of Singapore"

Singapore Skyline_with Oops Odelia

2) "Food delights, especially chicken rice"

SG Chicken Rice_with Oops Odelia

3) "Jewel Airport"

Jewel Airport_Oops Odelia

It was interesting to see how children across different age groups ponder over the comments and voted for their favourite. How refreshing it was to see things again from your eyes.

2019 National Day Contest Results_GRAM'S Learning

Taking this opportunity, we thank the students and parents who voted. We learnt much from you too and don’t be surprised if some of your words find its way to future Oops Odelia stories.

Have a blessed holiday ahead!

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